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Prosecution Details

Defendant Image Marine Group Pty Ltd
Trading Name Not Applicable
Section 19(1)(a)
Regulation Not Applicable
Offence Date Thursday, 20 February 1997
Description of Breach(es)

Being an employer, failed so far as was practicable to provide and maintain a working environment in which its employees were not exposed to hazards and in particular failed to provide and maintain a system of work such that, so far as was practicable, its employees were not exposed to hazards.

Background Details

At the workplace a catamaran was under construction and it presented several hazards to employees.

The employer failed to ensure that:

(a) there was a safe means of access to and egress from the catamaran by providing and maintaining a stairway-
(i) that reached the deck of the catamaran;
(ii) included a top and mid-rail.

(b) there was adequate edge protection on the deck of the catamaran.

(c) during construction of the catamaran holes in the deck were left uncovered.

The defendant pleaded guilty.

Outcome Summary convicted
Conviction Date 15 May 1998
Court Perth Court of Petty Sessions
Fine $2,000
Costs $400
Charge Number 18214/98