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Prosecution Details

Defendant Khir Mohammed Amiri
Trading Name MA Furniture Manufacturers
Regulation 3.17
Offence Date Between 24 September and 26 November 1997
Description of Breach(es)

Being an employer, failed to provide measures to ensure, as far as was practicable, that dust was prevented from being released into the atmosphere in that Kambro Panel Saw was operated without a dust extraction system fitted.

Background Details

On 24 September 1997 a WorkSafe Western Australia inspector visited the defendants premises and brought the Defendant's attention to the fact that a Kambro panel saw did not have a dust extraction system fitted. When the inspector returned on 26 November 1997 the dust extraction system had still not been fitted.

The panel saw was used to cut large sheets of chipboard etc. When used without the dust extraction system fitted, clouds of wood dust entered the atmosphere inside the Defendant's premises. His Worship indicated that in imposing a fine there were two factors he had to consider, being (a) the health of the individual; and (b) the need to impose a deterrent.

His Worship said that he accepted that susceptible people could react adversely to the presence of dust and that breathing in such foreign material could lead to problems. His Worship thought that the offence was middle of the range and imposed a fine of $4000.

The defendant pleaded guilty.

Lead Image
Outcome Summary convicted
Conviction Date 06 Oct 1998
Court Perth Court of Petty Sessions
Fine $4,000
Costs $205
Charge Number 43822/98