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Prosecution Details

Defendant Wynne's Pty Ltd
Trading Name Clover Meats
Section 22(1)(a) and 22(5)
Regulation Not Applicable
Offence Date Thursday, 21 August 1997
Description of Breach(es)

Being a person who had control of a workplace where persons who were not its employees worked, failed to take such measures as were practicable to ensure that the workplace was such that persons who were at the workplace were not exposed to hazards.

Background Details

Contract cleaners were used to clean equipment at this meat export processing establishment. On 21 August 1997 a female cleaner with three months service was cleaning the pork viscara table while it was running. During this process the worker became entangled in the machinery and suffered a fractured rib, contusion of the lung, a crushed liver, ulnar nerve damage and paraesthesia of the face.

The cleaning service (Domenic Ferraro) has been successfully prosecuted in relation to this incident.

The defendant pleaded guilty. The penalty was considered under section 22(5).

Lead Image
Outcome Summary


Conviction Date 13 May 1999
Court Mandurah Court of Petty Sessions
Fine $10,000
Costs $325
Charge Number 5260/98