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Prosecution Details

Defendant Lincoln Constructions (WA) Pty Ltd
Trading Name Not Applicable
Regulation 3.124(1)
Offence Date Wednesday, 14 October 1998
Description of Breach(es)

Being the main contractor at a workplace at which demolition work which involved the use of a scaffold was being done, failed to ensure that the scaffold was a heavy duty scaffold that met the requirements of AS/NZS 1576.1.

Background Details

The defendant was undertaking demolition work and several workers were using the scaffold which was approximately 3 metres in height but not in compliance with the legislative requirements for the task being undertaken.

The scaffolding was approximately 675mm in width thus failing to meet the minimum width of 900mm as required by the regulations.

The scaffold did not in all situations have toeboards, guardrails or a safe means of access, contrary to the relevant standard, namely AS 1576.1.

The defendant pleaded not guilty.

Outcome Summary convicted
Conviction Date 18 Aug 1999
Court Perth Court of Petty Sessions
Fine $5,000
Costs $1,765
Charge Number 16721/98