A WorkSafe inspector attended a construction site in Dianella and conducted an inspection and test of the electrical supply with a volt stick. This test indicated that the electrical power supply was still connected to the house. The power supply to the house had not been disconnected before demolition work commenced. Fuses had been removed from the meter box, but electricity was still running through the power line running between the front of the house and the street pole. The switchboard was live and some fuse wedges remained in the meter box itself. Had any person placed these fuse wedges in place, then electrical cables in the roof space of the home would have become live. As the roof had been removed, it was possible for water to run into the back of the switchboard. It had been raining during the demolition period. The defendant was initially fined $7500 (global) by His Worship Mr Thobaren SM with costs of $587 on 17 April 2000. At that hearing the defendant did not appear. A rehearing was requested by the defendant and the fine was reduced to $4000 (global) with $697 in costs.