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Prosecution Details

Defendant Tony Andrew Bashforth
Section 20(1)(b)
Offence Date Friday, 25 January 2002
Description of Breach(es)

Being an employee, failed to take reasonable care to avoid adversely affecting the safety of another person, through his act at work. The defendant used his fist to punch the plastic guard of an electronic balancing machine when another employee was underneath the guard.

Background Details

The defendant was a manager(employee) of a tyre service company in Victoria Park.

On 25 January 2002 another employee was balancing a wheel on an electronic balancing machine. The balancing machine had a black plastic guard which covered the machine. This employee had raised the guard and had his head under the guard as he added some weights to the wheel.

The defendant approached the employee and used his fist to punch the plastic guard. The guard broke and the defendant's fist went through the guard and hit the employee on the right side of his forehead, above his eye.

The defendant pleaded guilty.

Outcome Summary convicted
Conviction Date 16 Oct 2002
Court Perth Court of Petty Sessions
Fine $500
Costs $226.90
Charge Number 29270/02