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Prosecution Details

Defendant Gary Hopkins
Trading Name Not Applicable
Regulation 3.49
Offence Date Wednesday, 9 October 1996
Description of Breach(es)

Was a person in control of a workplace who failed to identify a hazard to which a person at the workplace was exposed in relation to the person falling from one level to another; to assess the risk of injury resulting from the hazard; and to consider whether the risk could have been reduced by the use of edge protection.

Background Details

On 9 October 1996 two roof plumbers were fixing colourbond metal roof decking approximately 5.7 metres above the ground on a double storey dwelling. On the eastern and northern elevations a frame scaffold was erected to a height of approximately 3 metres above ground level, that is, approximately 2.7 metres below the open edge/gutter line). The western elevation had no scaffolding, and the roof carpenters were fixing the ceiling joists on the first floor of the dwelling. This worksite had no edge protection to prevent the roof plumbers from falling.

Outcome Summary convicted
Conviction Date 23 Jan 1997
Court Perth Court of Petty Sessions
Fine $1,500
Costs $34.50
Charge Number Not available