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Prosecution Details

Defendant Gandy Timbers Pty Ltd
Trading Name Not Applicable
Section 56(1)(c)
Regulation Not Applicable
Offence Date Monday, 18 March 1996
Description of Breach(es)

Being an employer, treated its employee less favourably than it otherwise would, for the substantial reason that that employee had given information to an inspector.

Background Details

Gandy Timbers were contracted by CALM to carry out logging operations at Court Forest Block and Sutton Forest Block. On 14 March 1996 an inspector visited the Sutton Forest Block. The inspector observed a large Karri log being loaded onto a haul unit which consisted of a 6 wheel drive "Pacific" (No10) prime mover and a tandem axle trailer. The prime mover was not registered. An employee informed the inspector that the truck had the front tail shaft missing, a manifold bracket broken and some holes in the exhaust pipe. The inspector observed a number of defects and photographs taken of the prime mover.

On 15 March 1996 the employee contacted the WorkSafe Bunbury Office about concerns for his job. On 18 March the employee was informed "that he was finished at Gandy Timbers".

Outcome Summary convicted
Conviction Date 09 Oct 1997
Court Manjimup Court of Petty Sessions
Fine $20,000
Costs $1,600
Charge Number 199/97